[ee122] csv file

Lisa Fowler fowler at eecs.berkeley.edu
Sun Dec 9 00:05:17 PST 2007

On Dec 8, 2007 8:56 PM, Merry Choi <merry_c at berkeley.edu> wrote:
> What's the difference between cc_send and cc_recv?

cc_send is the data from the packet capture performed on the same
machine as file_send.

cc_recv is the data from the packet capture performed on the same
machine as file_recv.

> 1. Are we supposed to capture packets coming in on the sender/receiver side?


> 2. or capture packets going out of the sender/receiver side?


The captures should show all incoming and outgoing packets (using your
protocol) on both the file_send system and the file_recv system.

> 3. Or are we supposed to filter just the packets coming into the sender for
> cc_send, and filter just the packets coming into the receiver for cc_recv?

As you recall from lecture, the view of the packets exchanged differs
greatly when viewed on the side of the "sending" app vs the
"receiving" app.  This is what I want to see to understand your
congestion control mechanism.

I apologize that this was not clear...


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