[ee122] file permissions and file handling

Davide Cerri davide.cerri at gmail.com
Sat Oct 27 13:30:50 PDT 2007

I thought to use stat to check for the file information, but the man page show

#define S_IFMT 0170000           /* type of file */
     #define        S_IFIFO  0010000  /* named pipe (fifo) */
     #define        S_IFCHR  0020000  /* character special */
     #define        S_IFDIR  0040000  /* directory */
     #define        S_IFBLK  0060000  /* block special */
     #define        S_IFREG  0100000  /* regular */
     #define        S_IFLNK  0120000  /* symbolic link */
     #define        S_IFSOCK 0140000  /* socket */
     #define        S_IFWHT  0160000  /* whiteout */
     #define S_ISUID 0004000  /* set user id on execution */
     #define S_ISGID 0002000  /* set group id on execution */
     #define S_ISVTX 0001000  /* save swapped text even after use */
     #define S_IRUSR 0000400  /* read permission, owner */
     #define S_IWUSR 0000200  /* write permission, owner */
     #define S_IXUSR 0000100  /* execute/search permission, owner */

How can we check for world access?
I am assuming that we are allowed to send only world readable files to
the clients.

Also? the specs says that we only look for files starting from the web
server directory?
any hint on how to handle that? should we calculate that by parsing
the path and checking for ../ occurrences?


~/Davide Cerri

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