[ee122] Fwd: Project 1

Ofer Sadgat ofer at berkeley.edu
Tue Sep 11 23:24:23 PDT 2007

Yes, but what I am asking is does TCP ensure that data from a call to send
will arrive at the other side in the same order or does it also ensure that
multiple calls to send will arrive in the order that send is called? For
example, what if the second of the two packets sent takes a faster path? Is
the time encoded into the packet? Because if it isn't, then whats to say
which came first? You could have a field which orders them, but then that
would have a maximum size, what would happen when that is exceeded?

More concretely:
Other side:
	Receive() returns dataB
	Receive() returns dataA

Is this possible?


-----Original Message-----
From: Daniel Killebrew [mailto:dank at eecs.berkeley.edu] 
Sent: Tuesday, September 11, 2007 9:44 PM
To: ofer at berkeley.edu; ee122 at ICSI.Berkeley.EDU
Cc: Lisa Fowler
Subject: Re: Fwd: [ee122] Project 1

> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Ofer Sadgat <ofer at berkeley.edu>
> Date: Sep 11, 2007 10:15 AM
> Subject: RE: [ee122] Project 1
> To: Lisa Fowler <fowler at eecs.berkeley.edu>
> Yes, I understood what Beej's guide said. The problem comes from the
> side. When it is receiving packets, how does it know which packets come
> before which? It isn't necessarily true that they will arrive in order.
Assuming I understand your question correctly, TCP will give you the 
bytes of the message in order. You don't see how your data is split into 
packets when using TCP. TCP knows the order of the packets because there 
is a sequence number in the TCP header that indicates packet ordering.

> Also, why is it that the Client's path allows "-" but the server's
That's a typo, both client and server paths should allow "-' (hyphens).
> Lastly, for our server should the path "/Hello/InDex.Html" ==
> "/hello/index.html"?
Don't do any changing of the path's case. File system case sensitivity 
or insensitivity defaults to different things on different OSs. When 
grading, we won't expect you to return "Index.html" if we ask for 

> Thanks,
> Ofer

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