[Xorp-hackers] IGMP version used on an interface

Hitoshi Asaeda asaeda at sfc.wide.ad.jp
Tue Mar 13 09:26:46 PDT 2007

I don't know about linux implementation, because it's not mine.
I can talk about my original igmpv3/mldv2 implementation for NetBSD
and KAME for other BSD.

In short, there is no command to know which igmp/mld version is used
on the interface, while you can statically configure igmp to v3 or mld
to v2 to disable to automatically degrade the version.
I think knowing the current version is interesting function, and I may
try to implement it if I have an opportunity.
Anyway, if you are interested in the BSD version, you may want to read
the following README files;

Hitoshi Asaeda

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