[Xorp-hackers] XORP/Thrift technical background

Bruce Simpson bms at incunabulum.net
Mon Nov 2 10:21:17 PST 2009

Executive level objectives:
 * Find and fix known performance bottlenecks;
 * Remove barriers to uptake by developer community.

Metaphorically, this is a spinal resection: Surgeons will tell you this 
is one of the more intensive surgical interventions that can be 
performed on a human being, because of all the inter-system coupling 

The last round of metrics from Ohloh.net, indicate we're around the 400 
KLOCs of C++ mark for XORP. This includes libxipc, which is around 40 
KLOCs. This is sizeable by any project's standards.

It's obvious that the solution SHOULD NOT require a rewrite of existing 
process code. This rules out Boost.ASIO right off the bat, and forces 
the scope to get constrained to just implementing Thrift.

Before this project fully commenced, there was research into the 
available alternatives. There aren't many; a list can be produced, if 
that's something people care to see. Where Thrift stands out above all 
the others, is in cross-language interop. You can use it from just about 
anything (except C, although that's being worked on).

As time goes on, this is probably going to become more important, 
because of who's using it, and why: Spotify, Last.FM, Facebook and 
others.  If you look at http://thriftpuzzle.facebook.com/ -- Thrift is 
cunningly used as a Facebook recruitment tool.

In this project, we're using it to streamline the RPC marshaling in a 
(possibly distributed) router. There is plenty of common ground here, 
because of overlapping requirements for low latency and compact 

The Thrift developers make it pretty clear that they expect Thrift to 
run on a reliable, ordered, stream protocol (e.g. UNIX file handles, 
pipes, HTTP sessions, TCP sessions, UNIX domain stream sockets) -- for 
now. Of course the price you pay for using a stream to deliver messages, 
is head-of-line blocking.

This dependency comes about largely because Thrift was developed for web 
services, although because Thrift is itself message-oriented, there's no 
reason why a message-oriented transport cannot be used for the RPC calls 
in future.

Of course, the trade-off with cross-language interop, is that not all 
languages/frameworks implement asynchronous dispatch, or do so in the 
same way. It is the proverbial 'garden rake on the ground' -- as we've 
seen with the Net-SNMP code, if you keep stepping on it, it will hit you 
in the face time and time again.

The above named startups all do slightly different things to implement 
the server side scalability in their service offerings, which is where 
the value is.

So, Thrift has left the async programming model as an unanswered 
question, to date. Although what's in Facebook's tree, is in Facebook's 
tree, and not something we get to see, just yet.

Esteve Fernandez (who I had the pleasure of meeting at LShift, Ltd. over 
the summer) has done some excellent work on getting Thrift to work on 
top of AMQP in Twisted Python, with asynchronous dispatch.

It's likely that we can borrow from this conceptually for AMQP to be 
implemented in future, but that's far off at the moment. It's an open 


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