[Xorp-hackers] [PATCH] xorp: etc: templates: Add option for skipping click entry in fea.tp.raw

igorm at etf.rs igorm at etf.rs
Mon Feb 20 07:22:38 PST 2012

From: Igor Maravic <igorm at etf.rs>

Added this option, so the created fea.tp would be without click code, when click is not compiled
in to the Xorp. This code works when click code starts with "click {". That's the case for now.

Signed-off-by: Igor Maravic <igorm at etf.rs>
 xorp/etc/templates/SConscript |   28 ++++++++++++++++++++++++----
 1 files changed, 24 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)

diff --git a/xorp/etc/templates/SConscript b/xorp/etc/templates/SConscript
index 62aa501..fcab12e 100644
--- a/xorp/etc/templates/SConscript
+++ b/xorp/etc/templates/SConscript
@@ -96,9 +96,13 @@ if env['enable_xorpsh']:
 def BuildXrlTemplate(target, source, env):
     #    base = tp[:-len('.raw')]
     skip_fw = False
+    skip_click = True
     if (env.has_key('disable_fw') and env['disable_fw']):
         skip_fw = True
+    if (env.has_key('enable_click') and env['enable_click']):
+        skip_click = False
     sfname = str(source[0])
     print "source: ", sfname
@@ -109,11 +113,27 @@ def BuildXrlTemplate(target, source, env):
     if sfname == 'etc/templates/fea.tp.raw':
         ignore_ln = re.compile(".*firewall.*")
+        opened_brackets = 0
+        opened_bracket_ln = re.compile(".*{.*")
+        closed_bracket_ln = re.compile(".*}.*")
+        click_ln = re.compile(".*click.*")
         for line in ifile.readlines():
-            if not (skip_fw and ignore_ln.match(line)):
-                if line[-1] == "\n":
-                    # trim trailing newline
-                    line = line[0 : -1]
+            if opened_brackets > 0:
+                if opened_bracket_ln.match(line):
+                    opened_brackets += 1
+                if closed_bracket_ln.match(line):
+                    opened_brackets -= 1
+                continue
+            if (skip_fw and ignore_ln.match(line)):
+                continue
+            if (skip_click and click_ln.match(line)):
+                opened_brackets = 1
+                continue
+            if line[-1] == "\n":
+                # trim trailing newline
+                line = line[0 : -1]
                 print >>ofile, "%s" % line
         return -1 # error

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