[Xorp-users] error with XRLs

Jeff Krasky kras0021@umn.edu
Wed, 02 Feb 2005 19:23:08 CST

> If you choose to start the processes yourself you will need to start RIB
> (xorp_rib) and FEA (xorp_fea) process, otherwise BGP will not allow
> peer information to be added.

Would it make sense then that if I start xorp_rtrmgr on my machine that I
can not start my process on its own?  I am basing this on the assumption
that xorp_rtrmgr would start xorp_rib and xorp_fea.  Then if I started them
also some problem would occur (either they can't be started twice or if
they can then my program would be communicating with a different bgp module
than the bgp module that was started by xorp_rtrmgr).