[Xorp-users] Problem

zze-BEN SAID Mehdi RD-CORE-ISS mehdi.bensaid@rd.francetelecom.com
Wed, 15 Jun 2005 14:43:08 +0200

Hi everybody,
I have a little problem.
I'm trying to get information from Xorp using a pexpect python script:

#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys
import pexpect

child=pexpect.spawn ('xorpsh')
child.expect('Xorp> ')
child.sendline ('show igmp group')
child.expect('Xorp> ')
print child.before # I use this to print the result of the show command

Everything's works right, but I got nothing displayed!!! And of course,
when I type it manually on the xorpsh CLI, there are so many routes.
Is there any solution?
Thanks, Best Regards.
