[Xorp-users] [SPF:fail] Re: multicast routing

Marek Greško gresko at ulib.sk
Tue Nov 18 08:58:42 PST 2008

Dňa Ut 18. november 2008 ste napísali:
> Marek Greško wrote:
> > I have a problem to configure mutlicast routing. I have a linux
> > gateway running xorp 1.5 with 4 network interfaces. I configured eth0,
> > eth1 and eth3 for muticast routing (eth1) is the interface to provider.
> >
> > I tried to put client behind eth0 and request for muticast stream from
> > vlc client. The requested muticast address appeared in the show igmp
> > group. But the group was not propagated to the interface of the provider
> > so I do not get the stream. What have I messed up?
> * Is there any NAT between you and your ISP?

No. I have public IP addresses. I use also private IP addresses on eth3 which 
I NAT, but now I am testing from the public IP address.

> If so, and you are unable to run PIM, then you need an IGMP proxy.
> XORP does not currently have an IGMP proxy capability, though I'm sure
> if there's enough interest (and funding), I could write one. [As far as
> I'm aware it's not on XORP, Inc.'s immediate roadmap.]
> * Are you already running PIM?

Yes. I have configured pimsm4.

> * Are you *able* to run PIM to talk to your upstream ISP's multicast
> routers?

I do not know how to test that. If I put client directly to the cable from 
provider everything works.

> * Does your PIM instance bring up a peering with your ISP?

Say we have a.b.p.82 on our external interface, a.b.p.81 is the address of the 
default gw in our provider, a.b.c.19 is the internal public address and 
a.b.c.35 is the public address of the client. Now forget the eth3. I deleted 
the corresponding lines for eth3.

show mfea interface 
Interface    State    Vif/PifIndex Addr            Flags
eth0         UP                0/2 a.b.c.19    MULTICAST BROADCAST KERN_UP
eth1         UP                1/3 a.b.p.82     MULTICAST BROADCAST KERN_UP
register_vif UP                3/2 a.b.c.19    PIM_REGISTER KERN_UP

show igmp interface 
Interface    State    Querier         Timeout Version Groups
eth0         UP       a.b.c.19       None       2      7
eth1         UP       a.b.p.81         222       2      3

show pim neighbors 
Interface    DRpriority NeighborAddr    V Mode   Holdtime Timeout
eth1                 10                  a.b.p.81     2 Sparse      105    104

show pim rps
RP              Type      Pri Holdtime Timeout ActiveGroups GroupPrefix       
a.b.p.82     static    192       -1      -1            8    

show pim mfc
some nodes from eth3 with rp a.b.p.82 and nothing else

show pim mrib
shows unicast routing table

show pim scope
GroupPrefix                                 Interface     

show pim join
Group           Source          RP              Flags         a.b.p.82     WC   
    Upstream interface (RP):   register_vif
    Upstream MRIB next hop (RP): UNKNOWN
    Upstream RPF'(*,G):        UNKNOWN
    Upstream state:            Joined 
    Join timer:                46
    Local receiver include WC: ..O.
    Joins RP:                  ....
    Joins WC:                  ....
    Join state:                ....
    Prune state:               ....
    Prune pending state:       ....
    I am assert winner state:  ....
    I am assert loser state:   ....
    Assert winner WC:          ....
    Assert lost WC:            ....
    Assert tracking WC:        ..OO
    Could assert WC:           ..O.
    I am DR:                   O.OO
    Immediate olist RP:        ....
    Immediate olist WC:        ..O.
    Inherited olist SG:        ..O.
    PIM include WC:            ..O.
similar for:         a.b.p.82     WC         a.b.p.82     WC         a.b.p.82     WC         a.b.p.82     WC 
    Upstream interface (RP):   register_vif
    Upstream MRIB next hop (RP): UNKNOWN
    Upstream RPF'(*,G):        UNKNOWN
    Upstream state:            Joined 
    Join timer:                10
    Local receiver include WC: O...
    Joins RP:                  ....
    Joins WC:                  ....
    Join state:                ....
    Prune state:               ....
    Prune pending state:       ....
    I am assert winner state:  ....
    I am assert loser state:   ....
    Assert winner WC:          ....
    Assert lost WC:            ....
    Assert tracking WC:        O..O
    Could assert WC:           O...
    I am DR:                   O.OO
    Immediate olist RP:        ....
    Immediate olist WC:        O...
    Inherited olist SG:        O...
    Inherited olist SG_RPT:    O...
    PIM include WC:            O...         a.b.p.82     WC         a.b.p.82     WC         a.b.p.82     WC   a.b.p.82     SG SPT DirectlyConnectedS  a.b.p.82     SG SPT DirectlyConnectedS 
... I think it is not full listing needed. Or is it?

show pim bootstrap 
Active zones:
BSR             Pri LocalAddress    Pri State           Timeout SZTimeout
a.b.p.82       1 a.b.p.82       1 Elected              16        -1
Expiring zones:
BSR             Pri LocalAddress    Pri State           Timeout SZTimeout
Configured zones:
BSR             Pri LocalAddress    Pri State           Timeout SZTimeout
a.b.p.82       1 a.b.p.82       1 Init                 -1        -1

Does this info suffice?


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