[Xorp-users] Will Quagga/Bird conflict with XORP when both are installed?

Bruce Simpson bms at incunabulum.net
Mon Apr 13 15:24:11 PDT 2009

ChuYinsu wrote:
> Hi,
> If Bird/Quagga (Internet routing daemons) and XORP are installed
> together on a computer, will they conflict with each other or just
> work fine?

As long as you run your routing protocols on separate ports/interfaces 
(and configure
everything explicitly to do so), all should be fine.

> I noticed that if I have installed Quagga and then try to install
> Bird, the operating system would require me to uninstall Quagga first.
> But if I install Bird or Quagga first, then install XORP, there is no
> such message.

This entirely depends on the distribution / OS you are using. FreeBSD 
ports for example set CONFLICTS
for Quagga and XORP, which is not a XORP issue.

> I figure this might because that both Bird and Quagga are daemons and
> probably XORP is not.

XORP's Router Manager process, xorp_rtrmgr, has a daemon mode. We don't 
currently use this
in the LiveCD or LiveUSB production builds, however, you can certainly 
daemonize xorp_rtrmgr
by passing the appropriate command line parameter (off the top of my 
head, I think this is -D,
however running xorp_rtrmgr -h should tell you the command line parameters).

Note that the protocol processes invoked by xorp_rtrmgr are effectively 
daemons, in the sense
that they are direct child processes of xorp_rtrmgr (assuming you're 
running on a UNIX host).


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