[Xorp-users] My new XorpTimer not working in PIM

swdickey at rockwellcollins.com swdickey at rockwellcollins.com
Thu Sep 1 12:50:13 PDT 2011

Hi Hackers,

I am trying out some code inside the 
pim_mre_join_prune::recompute_is_prune_desired_*** methods.  After every 
set_pruned_state() call I want to set my new timer to fire every 30 
seconds or so.  This is the code I am using, its pretty much identical to 
the join_timer() which is why I'm confused that it doesn't work.


TimeVal timeval = TimeVal(30,0);



new_timer() =
            callback(this, &PimMre::new_timer_timeout));

//Later on...
        XLOG_TRACE(true, "New timer fired.");


XorpTimer&      new_timer() { return (_new_timer); } 
const XorpTimer& const_new_timer() const {
                return (_new_timer);
    XorpTimer   _new_timer; 

          //function to be called
    void        new_timer_timeout();

This code will run and will set the timer (new_timer().scheduled == true) 
but the timer will never fire!  Interestingly, if I change the time to 5 
milliseconds (TimeVal timeval = TimeVal(0,5);) then the new_timer will 
fire.  I'm not sure if this is a timing issue or some memory is going out 
of scope and the 5 msec will fire the timer before the memory is 

Any ideas?  Thanks!

S. Dickey
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