[Bro-Dev] Generate bro documentation

Gregor Maier gregor at icir.org
Thu Aug 4 17:07:11 PDT 2011

On 8/4/11 15:14 , Jonathan Siwek wrote:
>> how can I generate the autodocs from Bro. I guess running bro with -Z
>> and loading all.bro, right? This gives me the rst files. How can I then
>> run sphinx to get the HTLM output?
> There are two Makefile targets `restdoc` and `doc`.  The former generates just reST and the later renders it to HTML using sphinx.  See doc/scripts/README

BTW, there are some problems with sphinx-build using Mac OS X with 
MacPorts. Probably because I'm doing something wrong with MacPorts.

When I just install the "py-sphinx" port I get a sphinx-build binary, 
but the version of sphinx is so ancient, that it's not compatible with 
the Makefile (doesn't have a -c option).

I can also install one of the many "py2.x-sphinx" ports (e.g., 2.6). 
Then I get a sphinx-build binary that works with the Makefile but the 
port only installs it as "sphinx-build-2.6". I.e., I have to manually 
create a symlink. Grrr.

So question is: should cmake try to figure out if there's an awkwardly 
named sphinx-build binary so it works with MacPorts? Or is there a way 
that I can tell MacPorts to create a symlink for the binary.

Gregor Maier
<gregor at icir.org>  <gregor at icsi.berkeley.edu>
Int. Computer Science Institute (ICSI)
1947 Center St., Ste. 600
Berkeley, CA 94704, USA

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