[Bro-Dev] BiF parsing index types

Gregor Maier gregor at icir.org
Wed May 18 02:27:06 PDT 2011

>>    .... TOK_RECORD opt_ws {  THE_OPAQUE_STRING }
> How about something like this:
>     .... TOK_RECORD opt_ws {  opaque_string }
>     opaque_string : TOK_NO_BRACKET_STRING opaque_string
>                   | '[' opaque_string ']'
>                   | '{' opaque_string '}'
>                   | '(' opaque_string ')'
>                   |

you probably only need to take care of '{' and '}'. Should be able to
handle brackets and parentheses as opaque as well.

> TOK_NO_BRACKET_STRING is something like '[^{}[]()]+'.

For this to work yacc has to be able to switch the lexer mode. I don't
know whether yacc can to do this (I think only the lexer can switch its

Finally, (although not a show-stopper because unlikely), the above has
problems with quoted strings that have an unmatched number of braces in

Gregor Maier
<gregor at icir.org>  <gregor at icsi.berkeley.edu>
Int. Computer Science Institute (ICSI)
1947 Center St., Ste. 600
Berkeley, CA 94704, USA

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