[Bro-Dev] [Auto] Merge Status

Merge Tracker noreply at bro-ids.org
Fri Mar 23 00:00:02 PDT 2012

> Open Merge Requests for Bro2.1
> ==============================

      Component |    Id     | Reporter   | Owner      | Prio   | Summary
            Bro |   795 [1] | jsiwek     | robin      | Normal | topic/jsiwek/ipv6-ext-headers [2]
            Bro |   798 [3] | jsiwek     |            | Normal | topic/jsiwek/destdir-fix [4]
            Bro |   799 [5] | jsiwek     |            | Normal | topic/jsiwek/bro_inet_ntop [6]
       Broccoli |   800 [7] | matthias   |            | Normal | Change Broccoli BroAddr type to a single 16 byte array

> Unmerged Fastpath Commits
> =========================

      Component | Revision   | Committer       | Date       | Summary
            bro | 94864da    | Jon Siwek       | 2012-03-14 | Update documentation for new syntax of IPv6 literals. [8]
       broccoli | f60523c    | Jon Siwek       | 2012-03-22 | Add timeout to broccoli-v6addrs.c test. (addresses #793) [9]

 [1]       #795: http://tracker.bro-ids.org/bro/ticket/795
 [2] ipv6-ext-headers: http://tracker.bro-ids.org/bro/changeset?old_path=%2Fbro&old=master&new_path=%2Fbro&new=topic/jsiwek/ipv6-ext-headers
 [3]       #798: http://tracker.bro-ids.org/bro/ticket/798
 [4] destdir-fix: http://tracker.bro-ids.org/bro/changeset?old_path=%2Fbro&old=master&new_path=%2Fbro&new=topic/jsiwek/destdir-fix
 [5]       #799: http://tracker.bro-ids.org/bro/ticket/799
 [6] bro_inet_ntop: http://tracker.bro-ids.org/bro/changeset?old_path=%2Fbro&old=master&new_path=%2Fbro&new=topic/jsiwek/bro_inet_ntop
 [7]       #800: http://tracker.bro-ids.org/bro/ticket/800
 [8] fastpath: http://tracker.bro-ids.org/bro/changeset/94864da465a134bea251461adf588442e2d6d2bd/bro
 [9] fastpath: http://tracker.bro-ids.org/bro/changeset/f60523c24d1f889bd6bae7ebf2f1f4d15f5aeed2/broccoli

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