[Bro-Dev] [Auto] Merge Status

Merge Tracker noreply at bro-ids.org
Thu Nov 29 00:00:03 PST 2012

> Open Merge Requests for Bro2.2
> ==============================

      Component |    Id     | Reporter   | Owner      | Prio   | Summary
            Bro |     5 [1] | Christian  |            | Normal | Bug with table[] of set[] initializers
            Bro |   912 [2] | carsten    |            | Normal | Need option for ASCII logging writer to only print CSV header line
            Bro |   918 [3] | jsiwek     | jsiwek     | Normal | topic/jsiwek/hook [4]

> Unmerged Fastpath Commits
> =========================

      Component | Revision   | Committer       | Date       | Summary
            bro | c98301e    | Seth Hall       | 2012-11-26 | Fixed a DNS attribute issue (reported by Matt Thompson). [5]

 [1]         #5: http://tracker.bro-ids.org/bro/ticket/5
 [2]       #912: http://tracker.bro-ids.org/bro/ticket/912
 [3]       #918: http://tracker.bro-ids.org/bro/ticket/918
 [4]       hook: http://tracker.bro-ids.org/bro/changeset?old_path=%2Fbro&old=master&new_path=%2Fbro&new=topic/jsiwek/hook
 [5] fastpath: http://tracker.bro-ids.org/bro/changeset/c98301e51f6c4cfd48d299e7cfe59e03565cd2d8/bro

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