[Bro-Dev] [Auto] Merge Status

Merge Tracker noreply at bro.org
Mon Sep 21 00:00:22 PDT 2015

Open Merge Requests

ID            Component    Reporter         Assignee    Updated     For Version    Priority    Summary
------------  -----------  ---------------  ----------  ----------  -------------  ----------  -----------------------------------------------------------
BIT-1481 [1]  Bro          Daniel Thayer    -           2015-09-20  -              Normal      some test canonifiers don't always read from stdin
BIT-1479 [2]  Bro          scampbell        -           2015-09-16  -              Normal      seek functionality in RAW reader does not go to end of file
BIT-1476 [3]  BTest        Daniel Thayer    -           2015-09-13  -              Normal      btest-diff can generate too much output when a test fails
BIT-1470 [4]  Bro          Wendy Edwards    -           2015-09-11  2.5            Low         Implemented Functions in Notice Framework
BIT-1336 [5]  Bro          Vlad Grigorescu  -           2015-09-04  2.5            Trivial     ElasticSearch indices in UTC

Open Fastpath Commits

Commit       Component    Author           Date        Summary
-----------  -----------  ---------------  ----------  ----------------------------------------------------
24ecb35 [6]  bro-testing  Vlad Grigorescu  2015-09-10  Add README.rst -> README symlink. Addresses BIT-1413

Open GitHub Pull Requests

Issue    Component    User          Updated     Title
-------  -----------  ------------  ----------  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
#44 [7]  bro          yunzheng [8]  2015-09-18  Fixed parsing of V_ASN1_GENERALIZEDTIME timestamps in x509 certificates [9]
#6 [10]  bro-plugins  jswaro [11]   2015-08-24  Adding initial conversion of TCPRS to a plugin [12]
#1 [13]  broctl       J-Gras [14]   2015-09-11  Added support for packet fanout load balancing [15]

[1]   BIT-1481                     https://bro-tracker.atlassian.net/browse/BIT-1481
[2]   BIT-1479                     https://bro-tracker.atlassian.net/browse/BIT-1479
[3]   BIT-1476                     https://bro-tracker.atlassian.net/browse/BIT-1476
[4]   BIT-1470                     https://bro-tracker.atlassian.net/browse/BIT-1470
[5]   BIT-1336                     https://bro-tracker.atlassian.net/browse/BIT-1336
[6]   24ecb35                      https://github.com/bro/bro-testing/commit/24ecb35f121e473bf7ff8e66b2e0c2ac68b4e6c0
[7]   Pull Request #44             https://github.com/bro/bro/pull/44
[8]   yunzheng                     https://github.com/yunzheng
[9]   Merge Pull Request #44 with  git pull --no-ff --no-commit https://github.com/yunzheng/bro.git topic/x509-generalizedtime
[10]  Pull Request #6              https://github.com/bro/bro-plugins/pull/6
[11]  jswaro                       https://github.com/jswaro
[12]  Merge Pull Request #6 with   git pull --no-ff --no-commit https://github.com/jswaro/bro-plugins.git topic/jswaro/feature/initial-tcprs-plugin
[13]  Pull Request #1              https://github.com/bro/broctl/pull/1
[14]  J-Gras                       https://github.com/J-Gras
[15]  Merge Pull Request #1 with   git pull --no-ff --no-commit https://github.com/J-Gras/broctl.git topic/jgras/pcap-config

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