[Bro-Dev] [Auto] Merge Status

Merge Tracker noreply at bro.org
Tue Apr 12 00:00:20 PDT 2016

Open Merge Requests

ID            Component    Reporter               Assignee      Updated     For Version    Priority    Summary
------------  -----------  ---------------------  ------------  ----------  -------------  ----------  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
BIT-1567 [1]  Bro          Johanna Amann          -             2016-04-11  2.5            Normal      Please merge topic/johanna/intel-cert-hash
BIT-1566 [2]  BinPAC,Bro   Martin van Hensbergen  Seth Hall     2016-04-11  2.5            Normal      RFB (VNC) protocol analyzer
BIT-1564 [3]  BroControl   Scott Knick            Justin Azoff  2016-04-07  2.5            Low         BroControl incorrectly references ok attribute of results even when None type is returned
BIT-1563 [4]  Bro          Daniel Thayer          -             2016-03-30  2.5            Normal      BrokerComm and BrokerStore namespaces should be combined
BIT-1549 [5]  BroControl   Daniel Thayer          Justin Azoff  2016-04-01  2.5            Normal      broctl top command doesn't work on OS X 10.10 or newer
BIT-1510 [6]  BroControl   Seth Hall              Justin Azoff  2016-04-07  2.5            Normal      Crash reports when no crash happened
BIT-1507 [7]  Bro          Jan Grashoefer         Seth Hall     2016-01-25  -              Low         Intel framework does not match mail addresses properly
BIT-1506 [8]  Bro          Vlad Grigorescu        -             2016-04-11  2.5            Normal      Bro fails to build on OS X 10.11 (El Capitan) due to OpenSSL header removal

Open GitHub Pull Requests

Issue     Component    User             Updated     Title
--------  -----------  ---------------  ----------  -----------------------------------------------------------------------
#52 [9]   bro          J-Gras [10]      2016-04-07  Fixed matching mail address intel [11]
#22 [12]  bro-plugins  nickwallen [13]  2016-04-11  BIT-1559 Bro-Plugins Send each log stream to different kafka topic [14]
#18 [15]  bro-plugins  jshlbrd [16]     2016-03-03  SSDP analyzer [17]

[1]   BIT-1567                     https://bro-tracker.atlassian.net/browse/BIT-1567
[2]   BIT-1566                     https://bro-tracker.atlassian.net/browse/BIT-1566
[3]   BIT-1564                     https://bro-tracker.atlassian.net/browse/BIT-1564
[4]   BIT-1563                     https://bro-tracker.atlassian.net/browse/BIT-1563
[5]   BIT-1549                     https://bro-tracker.atlassian.net/browse/BIT-1549
[6]   BIT-1510                     https://bro-tracker.atlassian.net/browse/BIT-1510
[7]   BIT-1507                     https://bro-tracker.atlassian.net/browse/BIT-1507
[8]   BIT-1506                     https://bro-tracker.atlassian.net/browse/BIT-1506
[9]   Pull Request #52             https://github.com/bro/bro/pull/52
[10]  J-Gras                       https://github.com/J-Gras
[11]  Merge Pull Request #52 with  git pull --no-ff --no-commit https://github.com/J-Gras/bro.git topic/jgras/bit-1507
[12]  Pull Request #22             https://github.com/bro/bro-plugins/pull/22
[13]  nickwallen                   https://github.com/nickwallen
[14]  Merge Pull Request #22 with  git pull --no-ff --no-commit https://github.com/nickwallen/bro-plugins.git support-many-kafka-topics
[15]  Pull Request #18             https://github.com/bro/bro-plugins/pull/18
[16]  jshlbrd                      https://github.com/jshlbrd
[17]  Merge Pull Request #18 with  git pull --no-ff --no-commit https://github.com/jshlbrd/bro-plugins-1.git topic/jshlbrd/ssdp

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