[Bro-Dev] [Auto] Merge Status

Merge Tracker noreply at bro.org
Wed Jan 13 00:00:35 PST 2016

Open Merge Requests

ID            Component    Reporter       Assignee      Updated     For Version    Priority    Summary
------------  -----------  -------------  ------------  ----------  -------------  ----------  ---------------------------------------------------------------------
BIT-1519 [1]  Bro          Daniel Thayer  -             2016-01-12  -              Normal      bro segfaults when trying to delete a record field that doesn't exist
BIT-1490 [2]  BroControl   Seth Hall      Justin Azoff  2015-12-11  2.5            Low         Need ability to expire logs with more granularity than #days.

Open GitHub Pull Requests

Issue     Component    User                   Updated     Title
--------  -----------  ---------------------  ----------  -------------------------------------------------------------------------
#51 [3]   bro          aeppert [4]            2016-01-12  Add version to HTTP::Info [5]
#50 [6]   bro          aeppert [7]            2016-01-08  NOTIFY is a valid SIP message per RFC3265 [8]
#49 [9]   bro          wglodek [10]           2015-12-23  update ParseRequest to handle missing uri [11]
#46 [12]  bro          albertzaharovits [13]  2015-12-18  HTTP Content-Disposition header updates filename field in HTTP::Info [14]
#3 [15]   broctl       aeppert [16]           2015-12-30  Wrap interface for running a custom plugin [17]

[1]   BIT-1519                     https://bro-tracker.atlassian.net/browse/BIT-1519
[2]   BIT-1490                     https://bro-tracker.atlassian.net/browse/BIT-1490
[3]   Pull Request #51             https://github.com/bro/bro/pull/51
[4]   aeppert                      https://github.com/aeppert
[5]   Merge Pull Request #51 with  git pull --no-ff --no-commit https://github.com/aeppert/bro.git patch-3
[6]   Pull Request #50             https://github.com/bro/bro/pull/50
[7]   aeppert                      https://github.com/aeppert
[8]   Merge Pull Request #50 with  git pull --no-ff --no-commit https://github.com/aeppert/bro.git patch-2
[9]   Pull Request #49             https://github.com/bro/bro/pull/49
[10]  wglodek                      https://github.com/wglodek
[11]  Merge Pull Request #49 with  git pull --no-ff --no-commit https://github.com/0xcc-labs/bro.git topic/http-missing-uri
[12]  Pull Request #46             https://github.com/bro/bro/pull/46
[13]  albertzaharovits             https://github.com/albertzaharovits
[14]  Merge Pull Request #46 with  git pull --no-ff --no-commit https://github.com/albertzaharovits/bro.git master
[15]  Pull Request #3              https://github.com/bro/broctl/pull/3
[16]  aeppert                      https://github.com/aeppert
[17]  Merge Pull Request #3 with   git pull --no-ff --no-commit https://github.com/aeppert/broctl.git master

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