[Zeek-Dev] Zeek and the myricom package plugin

Jon Siwek jsiwek at corelight.com
Fri Jul 12 17:52:41 PDT 2019

On Fri, Jul 12, 2019 at 3:46 PM Michael Dopheide <dopheide at es.net> wrote:

> Background:  We like to run 'master', but with the name change it broke
> too many things and we had to stick to 2.6.2 for the time being.  Since
> then, I've started trying to convert our ansible scripts and prepare to
> make the jump.  Today I discovered the bro-myricom package would fail to
> build.
> Has anyone attempted this yet?  I can get it to build with a couple minor
> changes:
>  src/Myricom.cc
> <https://github.com/dopheide-esnet/zeek-myricom/commit/6e348389c4baa8a84b5657fefb4fc7b3dcdcf3bf#diff-218a2fe5a883051dbe028818da882eee>
> @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
> #include "bro-config.h"
> #include "zeek-config.h"
Can you give more info on how to reproduce this one?  The master branch
should currently be installing "zeek-config.h" along with a symlink to it
named "bro-config.h", with the ideal being that people wouldn't have to
make this change.

IIRC, since we changed our default install prefix from /usr/local/bro to
/usr/local/zeek, there's also a bit different logic if we find someone is
going to install over an old Bro installation that was still at the old
prefix, so might be good to know if you're installing fresh or upgrading
from the old version.

>  tests/Scripts/get-bro-env
> <https://github.com/dopheide-esnet/zeek-myricom/commit/3792461a35ec82c16efb6330cbf47f356317880c#diff-a4ddd0a8408a88cfa2a4ce426baff951>
> <https://github.com/dopheide-esnet/zeek-myricom/commit/3792461a35ec82c16efb6330cbf47f356317880c#diff-a4ddd0a8408a88cfa2a4ce426baff951> @@
> -8,7 +8,7 @@ bro=`cat ${base}/../../build/CMakeCache.txt | grep BRO_DIST |
> cut -d = -f 2`
> if [ "$1" = "brobase" ]; then
> echo ${bro}
> elif [ "$1" = "bropath" ]; then
> ${bro}/build/bro-path-dev
> ${bro}/build/zeek-path-dev
This one just looks like an oversight on our end, we'll need to keep
creating (or symlinking) that "build/bro-path-dev" file.

> Unfortunately, we end up with another problem:
> zeek -N
> internal error in /home/zeek/zeek-myricom/build/scripts/./init.bro, line
> 37: bad reference count [0]
> Line 37 is just SNF_RSS_IP:
>         const snf_rss_mode: set[RssField] = {
>                 SNF_RSS_IP,
>                 SNF_RSS_SRC_PORT,
>                 SNF_RSS_DST_PORT
>         } &redef;

This doesn't look related to the Bro-Zeek renaming, but possibly some enum
optimizations we did that are being tickled by what this plugin is doing.
Particularly there's an enum being declared/defined twice:




Possibly old versions of Bro were fine with that happening, but not
anymore.  Generally seems odd that we don't explicitly give an error
message to indicate the same enum being defined in two separate places.

I'll look more into what the proper fix is next week, but if you're just
looking to try to get something working in the meantime, a workaround may
be to comment out or remove the entire RssField enum definition inside the
init.bro script.

> Clearly I'm not gonna get lucky with an easy fix.  Doing a simple
> search/replace for bro/zeek across the whole tree doesn't seem viable as
> things like bro-bif.h haven't changed names.  Has anyone started digging
> into how plugin packages will need to be updated?

Generally the idea is to be mostly backward compatible so people aren't
forced to make any changes to external plugins, but looks like there's a
couple small things we overlooked or had not tested that we'll want to fix
before the 3.0 release, so thanks for the early feedback.

- Jon
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