[Zeek-Dev] Proposal: Make Zeek's debug logging thread-safe

Bob Murphy bob.murphy at corelight.com
Thu Jul 9 16:57:04 PDT 2020

Right now, if you try to use Zeek's debug logging facilities in DebugLogger.h concurrently from multiple threads, the contents of debug.log can get mixed up and look like like "word salad".

I've been working on log writers for Zeek. Those operate in different threads, and using Zeek's current open-source debug logging implementation, trying to make sense of debug logs from those was a real headache.

So in my own code, I've made debug logging thread-safe, so log text from different threads winds up on different lines in the debug.log file. I've also added more convenience macros to make logging some kinds of debug information easier.

This proposal is to integrate those debug logging changes into open-source Zeek. I'd welcome any questions, suggestions or feedback.

Bob Murphy | Corelight, Inc. | bob.murphy at corelight.com | www.corelight.com

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