new Bro release available - 0.7a175

Vern Paxson vern at
Fri Aug 30 00:30:30 PDT 2002

A new Bro alpha release is now available from:

It includes a considerable number of changes and new features (some quite
experimental and likely to change somewhat in the near future).  I've
appended the relevant entries from the CHANGES file.



v0.7a174 Thu Aug 29 21:14:34 PDT 2002

- bro -s <file> reads in a *signature* file to search for regular expressions
  in packet payloads or TCP byte streams (written by Robin Sommer).
  See policy/rules.bro for an example of a policy script for processing
  the matches.

  Note that this feature is experimental, and will be evolving in the
  near future.

- The python script "snort2bro" reads in Snort signatures and translates
  them into Bro signature rules, suitable for processing using -s.

  An example of its operation is seen by running

	python snort2bro < sig.ex.web-rules.snort

  which, after reading in sig.ex.classification.config and
  sig.ex.reference.config, generates the output given in
  sig.ex.web-rules.bro, which is suitable to use as input to
  bro -s.

- bro -d invokes a gdb-like debugger (written by Umesh Shankar).  You can
  set breakpoints and watchpoints, examine tracebacks, print Bro expressions,
  and the like.  Type "help" for on-line help.

- bro -t <tracefile> turns on tracing of the policy script execution,
  written to the given file.

- Bro now includes an SMTP analyzer, which includes processing MIME
  message bodies (written by Ruoming Pang).  See smtp.bro and mime.bro
  for related policy scripts.  smtp.bro includes several experimental
  techniques for detecting mail relaying.

- You can now define enumerated types, such as

	type scanner_type: enum {

  Enumerated types can be compared for equality with one another, and used
  as table indices, but cannot be converted to/from integers.

- bro -A <file> invokes an experimental, general trace transformation/
  anonymization framework (written by Ruoming Pang) which writes a modified
  tcpdump trace file from the input (which can be the network or another
  trace file) with potentially extensive modifications to the recorded

  Transformers are built from .rw files (currently, {finger,ftp,ident,smtp}.rw),
  which are processed by the utility "rwcl" to generate both event engine
  analyzer components and rewriter policy scripts (for example, after
  configuring and building Bro, you'll find the scripts

  See policy/smtp-rewriter.bro for an example of a policy script that
  performs transformation/anonymization.

- New built-ins:

	split(s: string, p: pattern): string_array;

	  takes a string and splits it into pieces at each occurrence of
	  the regular expression pattern p.  (The functionality is like
	  that in awk.)  It returns a string_array, which is a table[count]
	  of string that is indexed starting at 1, giving the different

	  For example,

		split("foobar", /o/)

	  returns a 3-element table, for which [1] is the string "f",
	  [2] is the string "" (empty), and [3] is the string "bar".

	split1(s: string, p: pattern): string_array;

	  split1() does the same thing as split(), but only performs splitting
	  at the first occurrence, so it returns either a one-element table
	  (if the pattern doesn't appear in the string) or a two-element
	  table.  split1("foobar", /o/) returns a 2-element table for which
	  [1] is "f" and [2] is "obar".

	md5_hash(s: string): string

	  returns (in human-readable form) the MD5 hash of a given string.

	  So, for example,


	  yields "3858f62230ac3c915f300c664312c63f".

	to_addr(s: string): addr

	  takes a string representing an address in "dotted quad" format
	  and returns the correponding "addr" value.

	set_buf(f: file, buffered: bool)

	  sets the given file to have its writes buffered or unbuffered
	  depending on the value of "buffered".  It does not return a value.

	connection_exists: function(c: conn_id): bool

	  returns T if the given connection identifier corresponds to a
	  currently instantiated connection (one for which the event engine
	  has state), F otherwise.

	lookup_connection(c: conn_id): connection

	  returns the "connection" record associated with the given
	  connection identifier, or a fatal run-time error if there
	  isn't one.

	set_inactivity_timeout(c: conn_id, timeout: interval): interval

	  sets the inactivity timeout for the given connection to the
	  given interval, returning the old interval.

	  If the interval is non-zero, then when no packets have been
	  processed for a connection after that much time has elapsed,
	  the connection is deleted, and an "inactivity_timeout" event

	get_matcher_stats(): matcher_stats

	  used for gathering statistics about the signature matcher

	rewriting_trace(): bool

	  returns T if -A was specified (anonymize/rewrite a trace),
	  F otherwise.

- New events:

	connection_state_remove(c: connection);

	  Invoked when the event engine has removed the connection from
	  its state.

	connection_SYN_packet(c: connection, pkt: SYN_packet);

	  Invoked for each SYN/SYN-ACK packet.

	connection_timeout(c: connection);

	  Invoked when the event engine times out a connection - for
	  example, because the originator sent a SYN that was never
	  answered, so the connection was never established.

	connection_reused: event(c: connection);

	  Invoked when the event engine decides that a new SYN for
	  an existing connection reflects a reuse of the connection
	  four-tuple, rather than belonging to the existing connection.

- New globals:

	const ignore_checksums = F &redef;

	  If true, then the event engine does not verify checksums (and
	  hence will not discard packets with bad checksums).

	const tcp_deliver_undelivered = F &redef;

	  If true, then when the event engine closes a connection, if
	  that connection has a chunk of data not yet delivered to its
	  analyzer (which only happens if the data is above a sequence
	  hole, indicating either a packet filter glitch or a protocol
	  botch), then the undelivered data will at that point be delivered
	  to the connection's analyzer.

	const tcp_reassembler_ports_orig: set[port] = {} &redef;
	const tcp_reassembler_ports_resp: set[port] = {} &redef;

	  Sets of ports for which, if a connection has the corresponding
	  originator/responder port, then the event engine will reassemble
	  the byte stream of the connection.

	  Normally, the event engine reassembles byte streams for any
	  connection for which there's an analyzer, and otherwise doesn't.
	  These variables can be used to force reassembly for the originator
	  or responder side (respectively) of connections for which there
	  isn't otherwise an analyzer.  This is useful when doing signature
	  matching on reassembled byte streams, for protocols that are
	  not otherwise analyzed by the event engine.

	const table_expire_interval = 1 min &redef;

	  How often to check table entries to see whether they've expired
	  (see &read_expire, etc., below).

	const requires_trace_commitment = F;

	  If true, then when rewriting/anonymizing traces, nothing will
	  actually be written to the edited trace file unless you call:

		rewrite_commit_trace(c: connection, commit: bool, future: bool)

	  If "future" is true, then future rewritten packets will be
	  automatically commited; otherwise, writing them to the trace
	  file requires another explicit rewrite_commit_trace() call.

	const inactivity_timeout = 0 secs &redef;

	  As noted above, when a connection becomes inactive, time it out
	  after this interval.  If 0 secs, then don't time it out.

- An SSH analyzer extracts SSH client/server version information.  See
  ssh.bro for the related policy script.

- There's now a (very) simple TFTP analyzer available in tftp.bro.

- You can now set the global "frag_timeout" to an interval which controls
  how long fragments are kept before discarding them (contributed by Ashley
  Thomas).  If you don't set the global, or set it to 0.0 sec, then fragments
  are kept around indefinitely.

- An implementation of an experimental anti-evasion technique, "active
  mapping", has been written by Umesh Shankar.  It is not yet ready for
  general use, and isn't compiled in unless -DACTIVE_MAPPING.

- Four new attributes can now be associated with tables (implemented
  by Robin Sommer): &read_expire, &write_expire, and &create_expire
  will delete table entries after a given interval has elapsed since
  the table entry was last read, written, or created.  For example:

	global a: table[addr] of count &default=0 &create_expire = 5 sec;

  will delete each entry added to it 5 seconds after the entry was added,
  regardless of subsequent read/write activity to the element.

  &expire_func allows you to associate a function with the table such that
  whenever an entry expires, the function is invoked.  It's passed the
  value of the table entry (not the index - perhaps this should be changed),
  and returns an "interval" value.  If the interval is <= 0.0 seconds, then
  the table entry is immediately deleted.  Otherwise, it is deleted after
  the given interval has elapsed.

- When listing multiple attributes, you no longer separate them with
  commas.  For example, if you used to have:

	global a: table[string] of count &default=0, &redef;

  you now need to use:

	global a: table[string] of count &default=0 &redef;

- You can now construct records using

	[$field1 = <expression>, $field2 = <expression>, ...]

  Such record values can be assigned to other records providing that the
  target value's type includes all of the fields (same name and type)
  present in the record value, and that any missing fields have the
  &optional or &default attribute (see next item).

  You can also include a record value inside the record constructor, and
  all of its fields will be included in the constructed record value.

- Record fields can now be annotated with &optional, to indicate
  that the field needn't be present, or &default, which indicates
  a default value to provide if the field is missing.

- You can query as to whether a record has a value for a given field
  using the new "?$" operator.  So for example:

	type my_rec: record {
		num: count &default = 0;
		msg: string;	# mandatory, since no &optional/&default

	global r: my_rec;

	r = [$msg = "hello"];

	print r?$num, r?$msg, r$num;

  will print "F, T, 0," because even though 'r' has a default value
  for $num (which shows up when printing r$num), that field is missing,
  hence r?$num is F.

- An experimental scheme has been added (by Umesh Shankar) for managing
  general attributes associated either with all values ("global attributes")
  or particular particular values.  This scheme is likely to change in
  the near future, and hence isn't explained here further.

- The DNS analysis now includes ADDL and AUTH records, and much richer
  policy script analysis (per policy/dns.bro).

- You can now "redef" a function or event handler to override its
  previous definition.  For a function, this looks like:

	redef log_hook = function(msg: string): bool

  For an event handler, it's just the usual definition preceded by "redef.
  For example,

	redef event ack_above_hole(c: connection) { }

  would replace the default ack_above_hole handler with one that does nothing.

- HTTP server and HTTP proxy backdoor detectors have been added,
  generating http_signature_found and http_proxy_signature_found,
  respectively (contributed by Ruoming Pang).

- A KaZaA backdoor detector has been added, which generates
  kazaa_signature_found for likely KaZaA connections.

- The new policy scripts flag-irc.bro and flag-warez.bro provide
  hooks for defining site policies for detecting IRC and access
  to warez.

- portmapper.bro now tracks the services it sees, and the names are
  used in connection summaries rather than generic services like port-656.

- bro -C (or redef'ing the "ignore_checksums" global to T) instructs
  Bro to ignore any checksum errors and go ahead and analyze such packets.

- The (trivial) policy script print-globals.bro dumps out all of the policy
  script global variables and the amount of memory they consume.

- The policy script code-red.bro has been renamed worm.bro and generalized
  to detect Nimda as well as Code Red 1 & 2.

- A bunch of additional default sensitive URIs have been added to http.bro.
  http.bro also now doesn't report worm-related URIs.

- A bunch of less common portnames were removed from port-names.bro.

- Empty regular expressions are now allowed.

- The finger_request event now has a third parameter, the additional
  text after the username.

- More systematic handling of NULs and CRLF by the event engine.

- Hex escape sequences now must have exactly two hexadecimal characters.

- FYI - work has begun on significantly altering the way that policy
  scripts generate alerts.

- Work has begun (by Robin Sommer) on a general framework for tracking
  client/server versions.  See software.bro.

- Work has begun on a NETBIOS analyzer (see  Contributions
  (e.g., finishing it :-) welcome.

- Work has begun on migrating the internals to process IPv6 in addition
  to IPv4.

- A number of bug fixes, leaks, and memory allocation lint tweaks.

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