example of base64 decoder use?

Ruoming Pang rpang at CS.Princeton.EDU
Tue Sep 30 18:02:25 PDT 2003

There are three functions associated with base64 decoder:
StartDecodeBase64(), EndDecodeBase64(), and DecodeBase64(int len, const
char* data). The decoder will call MIME_Entity::DataOctet() for every
decoded byte.

The current base64 decoder is part of class MIME_Entity. While it is
pretty easy to separate it from the MIME processing, as it is right now
you may not be able to use it directly to decode a given string. What are
you using Base64 decoder for? Maybe we can figure out a way to make it a
separate class.


> I am having a little trouble getting the base64 decoder working for a
> given string.  Does anybody have a simple example or explanation for
> using this class?
> thanks!
> scott

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