[Bro] Problem: Bro listening on two ethernet interfaces

Vern Paxson vern at icir.org
Tue May 10 07:38:45 PDT 2005

> i looked at the c-code. i runned it on different machines and
> on various interfaces. bro still drops most of the packets
> when i force it to listen on two interfaces.
> is it a libpcap problem?
> a bro problem?
> a linux problem?

I believe it's a Linux problem.  We do this under FreeBSD in two different
ways, either merging the interfaces in the kernel into one logical interface
(via a custom patch), or at user level.  While the in-kernel version
performs better, the user-level one isn't a disaster like you describe.

I also recall hearing others mention that multiple interfaces under Linux
do not work well in general.  I don't use Linux, though, so can't comment
more directly.


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