[Bro] Progress in the IPv6 support

Ruoming Pang rpang at cs.princeton.edu
Wed Apr 11 06:59:37 PDT 2007

> > - do you think binpac could help me ?
> It will need extensions to do so.  You should contact Ruoming Pang
> <rpang at CS.Princeton.EDU> to see what degree he has interest/cycles
> in adding the necessary support.


It can probably help you. The difference between using binpac for
application level protocols and for IPv6 is that you won't have the
notion of connection/flow in IPv6. But binpac can still help you parse
the packet headers and generate events.

For an example of using binpac without connection/flow, please take a
look at smb.pac (it's written before we had the notion of
connection/flow in binpac). Do not hesitate to contact me if you have
any question.


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