[Bro] linux vs freebsd

Christian Kreibich christian at whoop.org
Thu Dec 4 11:15:37 PST 2008

On Wed, 2008-12-03 at 21:05 -0700, Ken Gunderson wrote:
> I haven't tried on OBSD in some time. Interesting comments about OpenBSD
> headaches.  Been using both FreeBSD and OpenBSD since 2.x days. I know
> there have been ongoing issues w/Bro on OBSD but otherwise it's been
> rock solid. Wish I could say same about FreeBSD, wh/we've all but
> abandoned.  We use OBSD in more narrowly targeted capacities, however,
> so perhaps not a fair comparison.

I don't mean to suggest doubt in OpenBSD's technical quality, it's no
doubt a solid OS. It's merely the (imho) fact that once things build
fine on Linux + OSX + FreeBSD, there's still a significant chance of
build woes on OpenBSD, which translates into extra effort needed on our

That said, I just downloaded 1.4 on an OpenBSD 4.2 machine, and am happy
to report that the whole suite built fine.


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