[Bro] Network capture cards -- your experience

Matt Cuttler mcuttler at bnl.gov
Fri Sep 12 16:34:34 PDT 2008

On 9/12/08 7:20 PM, "Joel Ebrahimi" <jebrahimi at bivio.net> wrote:

> Hi Matt,
> I know there has been work with Bro in the past but I do not know to
> what extent nor do I have any past information. I come from a
> open-source/security background and my roll at Bivio is solutions
> engineer. Since I have been here I have worked to make a number of
> open-source tools into Bivio packages that work natively.
> Bro is one of the ones I have had a chance to work on. We do have
> customers who are currently using Bro on our platform and are quite
> happy with the results.
> I Hope that answers you question. My goal is not to "market" to this
> list so if you have questions about our solutions or what native
> applications we offer feel free to drop me an email directly.

Hi Joel,

Didn't mean to accuse (or imply accusation) -- that you were marketing to
this list; I hope it didn't come across that way.

I'd like to hear more about the throughput results you've gotten with Bro on
your company's platform, and any build/compile-time tweaks you've got to
share. For the sake of saving bandwidth/inbox space etc., you can reply
off-list (or if you feel it's on-topic, we can communicate on-list).

Matt Cuttler

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