[Bro] Comparison data between bro-1.4prerelease and bro-1.2.1.

Luca Renaud renaud.luca at gmail.com
Mon Sep 22 11:54:37 PDT 2008

I ran the two bro versions with 6 tcpdump files and registered the
on the following table:


spontaneous_RST                               15-1,4-3,4-1,11-19,32-1,56-1
spontaneous_FIN                               10-1,8-0,9-0,85-55,25-2,71-1
SYN_seq_jump                                    1-1,0-0,0-0,1-1,0-0,0-0
SYN_inside_connection                      1-1,0-0,0-0,0-0,0-0,0-0
active_connection_reuse                     1-0,0-0,0-0,0-0,0-0,0-0
unsolicited_SYN_response                  1-0,7-7,0-0,1-1,0-0,0-0
SYN_after_close                                  0-1,0-0,0-0,0-0,0-0,0-0
above_hole_data_without_any_acks   0-0,1-1,0-0,0-0,0-0,0-0
data_before_established                      0-0,0-0,0-0,1-1,0-0,0-0

So,the difference is essentially around spontaneous_RST and spontaneous_FIN
weird events.The dump files are for webbrowsing only traffic.I don't know if
this has any practical interest but that's what I get using
this very small sample and very limited network protocols.

The command line I use:
export BROPATH=/usr/local/bro-1.2.1/policy:/usr/local/bro-1.2.1/site
/usr/local/bro-1.2.1/bin/bro -r tcpdumpfile

The same for bro-1.4prerelease,but here the bro environment is set up for
directories where the policy and sig files are:
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