[Bro] broclient and NOTICE()

Sean McCreary mccreary at ucar.edu
Mon Feb 16 22:34:00 PST 2009

I'm having trouble feeding events to bro v1.4 using broclient.  I built
broclient using the source in aux/broccoli/contrib, and configured bro
to listen for remote connections.  This setup will sometime crash with
the run-time error messages like this:

> 1234849021.842185 run-time error: peer 10000 does not exist
> 1234849021.842185 /usr/local/bro/share/bro/notice.bro, line 261 (n$src_peer): internal error: field value missing

I dug a little in the source, and it seems like n$src_peer should be set
automatically by get_event_peer(), and internal function in the event
engine.  Before digging deeper in the bro source, I thought I'd ask if
anyone has seen this before, or if I'm doing something obviously wrong.

Here's the relevant bro code that causes the error:

> ## Track ssh logins using info from syslog
> @load listen-clear
> @load remote
> redef listen_if_clear =;
> redef Remote::destinations += {
>     ["syslog"] = [$host =, $events = /.*/, $connect=F],
> };
> redef enum Notice += { NewSSHConn };
> global ssh_conns: set[string, addr, string, string] &persistent;
> redef notice_policy += {
>         # Email when a user logs in from a new client or using
>         #       a different authenticator
>         [$pred(n: notice_info) =
>                 {
>                 return n$note == NewSSHConn;
>                 },
>          $result = NOTICE_EMAIL,
>          $priority = 1],
> };
> event ssh_login(server:string, authtype:string, user:string, client:addr) {
>     if ( [server, client, user, authtype] !in ssh_conns ) {
>         add ssh_conns[server, client, user, authtype];
>         NOTICE([$note=NewSSHConn, $src=client,
>                 $msg=fmt("New SSH connection %s->%s:%s@%s",
>                 client, user, authtype, server)]);
>     };
> };

I can trigger the error with the following command:

> echo "ssh_login string=server string=authtype string=user addr=" | /usr/local/bro/bin/broclient

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