[Bro] Use of GPUs for signature matching?

Martin Holste mcholste at gmail.com
Fri Oct 22 10:46:38 PDT 2010

>For Bro, however, improving signature
> performance is actually not that crucial as its main performance
> bottlenecks are elsewhere (the single most important bottleneck
> today is the script interpreter).

Robin, can you elaborate on this a bit?  I'm very surprised that
pattern matching would not be the first bottleneck.

With that, I've watched the debate fly back and forth between Marty
Rausch (in Snort) and Victor Julien (in Suricata) on the pros and cons
of multithreading and I'd like to hear your take.  Marty's point was
that multithreading leads to CPU cache inefficiency which incurs a
penalty greater than the boost to the pattern matching in parallel and
therefore suggests flow-pinned load-balancing for scaling.  Do you
have an opinion on the matter?



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