[Bro] high cpu usage and strange select(2) behavior

Stephane Chazelas stephane.chazelas at gmail.com
Thu Feb 9 06:43:37 PST 2012


here with a standalone bro-2.0, I'm seeing 2 bro processes
using about 30% of the time of a cpu each regarless of whether
there's traffic or not to watch.

Doing a strace on them I see, for one process only select system
calls in a loop with null or ridiculously low timeouts:

select(12, [0 11], [], [], {0, 10})     = 0 (Timeout)
select(12, [11], NULL, NULL, {0, 0})    = 0 (Timeout)
select(12, [11], NULL, NULL, {0, 0})    = 0 (Timeout)
select(12, [0 11], [], [], {0, 10})     = 0 (Timeout)
select(12, [11], NULL, NULL, {0, 0})    = 0 (Timeout)
select(12, [11], NULL, NULL, {0, 0})    = 0 (Timeout)
select(12, [0 11], [], [], {0, 10})     = 0 (Timeout)
select(12, [11], NULL, NULL, {0, 0})    = 0 (Timeout)

0 being tcp *:47760 (LISTEN), and 11 a unix domain socket, probably
a socket pair to communicate with the other bro process. Why
those 3 selects in an infinite loop, why a timeout? Can't the
select just sit on [0 11] if it's the only inputs it gets? Here
it seems it is just wasting 30% of the time of the CPU.

The other process behavior is even weirder:

select(0, NULL, NULL, NULL, {0, 20})    = 0 (Timeout)
select(11, [4 7 10], [0], [0], {0, 0})  = 1 (out [0], left {0, 0})
kill(15287, SIG_0)                      = 0
read(10, 0xb6ebc008, 1048576)           = -1 EAGAIN (Resource temporarily unavailable)
gettimeofday({1328798101, 327305}, NULL) = 0
select(0, NULL, NULL, NULL, {0, 20})    = 0 (Timeout)
select(11, [4 7 10], [0], [0], {0, 0})  = 1 (out [0], left {0, 0})
kill(15287, SIG_0)                      = 0
read(10, 0xb6ebc008, 1048576)           = -1 EAGAIN (Resource temporarily unavailable)
gettimeofday({1328798101, 328513}, NULL) = 0
select(0, NULL, NULL, NULL, {0, 20})    = 0 (Timeout)
select(11, [4 7 10], [0], [0], {0, 0})  = 1 (out [0], left {0, 0})
kill(15287, SIG_0)                      = 0
read(10, 0xb6ebc008, 1048576)           = -1 EAGAIN (Resource temporarily unavailable)

A select with no fd to watch (why not use nanosleep?) a read()
on a non-blocking fd following a select that returns on timeout
(null timeout with nothing for that fd). And again, why not have
the select() sit waiting for input?

That doesn't seem quite right.

Is that the expected behavior, or is there any way to configure
it so that it behaves itself?


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