[Bro] Emacs Major Mode for Bro

scott runnels srunnels at gmail.com
Mon Jul 16 14:20:02 PDT 2012

I got annoyed with not having text highlighting and having to manually indent while I was learning the Bro scripting language and took some time to write an Emacs Major Mode for it.  While I'm not an expert at emacs lisp, I think it's hit a pretty usable state.

It's up at http://github.com/srunnels/bro-mode/

I added some extra functionality to it to make some of the tricks I use to learn new things in Bro scripting a little more seamless to my environment. 

bro-event-lookup with search through an event.bif.bro (configurable) file for any global definitions matching the event at point (the cursor) and return the documentation for it in a new buffer and frame.
bro-event-query will ask for a term and open a new buffer and frame with the declarations for any events that use that term in their definition. 
bro-insert-event will take the global event definition at point (the cursor) and push a properly formatted event string to the kill ring that can be pasted into other buffers. 

Here's a short screencast of it in use:  https://dl.dropbox.com/u/4303535/Screencasts/bro-mode.mpg



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