[Bro] Fatal Error - Question

Mike Sconzo sconzo at visiblerisk.com
Fri Oct 19 13:41:24 PDT 2012

Occasionally one of my workers will die with an error message of:
fatal error in /usr/local/share/bro/site/httpanalysis.bro, line 130:
Val::CONST_ACCESSOR (bool/string) (T)

I have no idea what this means or even where to start debugging it.

The line in question from the .bro file (if the 130 referrers to the
line of httpanalysis.bro) looks like:
129       if ( hlist[i]$name == "ACCEPT-ENCODING" )
130                       acceptencoding = T;

where acceptencoding is defined as:
local acceptencoding: bool = F;

Any thoughts/assistance would be appreciated.

cat ~/.bash_history > documentation.txt

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