[Bro] Bro manager crashing

Konrad Weglowski konrad.weglowski at gmail.com
Fri Dec 13 22:19:56 PST 2013


When I uncommented the following line in /opt/bro/share/bro/site/local.bro
to enable email alerts on notice alarms and did install and restart on
broctl  Bro Manager is crashing.

 redef Notice::policy += { [$action = Notice::ACTION_ALARM, $priority = 0]

I get the following error message via email notification. I am running BRO
as a part of the Security Onion.

When I comment the line back, Manager starts but I do not think emails on
notices will.

Thank you again


*If you want to help us debug this problem, then please forward this mail
to reports at bro.org <reports at bro.org> Bro 2.2 Linux 3.2.0-57-generic ==== No
reporter.log ==== stderr.log error in /opt/bro/share/bro/base/*
*frameworks/notice/./main.bro, line 182 and /nsm/bro/spool/installed-*
*local.bro, line 35: already defined (Notice::policy)*

* ==== stdout.log unlimited unlimited unlimited*

* ==== .cmdline -U .status -p broctl -p broctl-live -p local -p manager
local.bro broctl base/frameworks/cluster local-manager.bro broctl/auto*

* ==== .env_vars PATH=/opt/bro/bin:/opt/bro/**share/broctl/scripts:/usr/*
*opt/bro/bin BROPATH=/nsm/bro/spool/**installed-scripts-do-not-*

*opt/bro/share/bro/site CLUSTER_NODE=manager*

* ==== .status TERMINATED [atexit]*

* ==== No prof.log*

* ==== No packet_filter.log*

* ==== No loaded_scripts.log*

* -- [Automatically generated.]*
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