[Bro] extract jar files from HTTP stream

drum drummachina at tdhack.com
Sun Dec 29 11:25:41 PST 2013


Is there a tutorial for version 2.2 of BRO? I'd like to understand how can
I write my own scripts to support extraction of verious files, like jar. So
far I tried adding "application/jar" (it was logged to
log) as mime type to /opt/bro/share/bro/file-extraction/extract.bro file
but it seems I have to do something else too as this change is not
capturing files to /nsm/bro/extracted/ directory.

I guess it's not simple as that ;) I should also mention that I am using
BRO installed within SecurityOnion distro. I posted this question there
too, but got reply with links to version 2.1 which is not compatible with
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