[Bro] binpac documentation

nicolas.retrain at cea.fr nicolas.retrain at cea.fr
Wed May 15 05:52:38 PDT 2013

I saw a bug in the socks analyzer. I want to fix it, unfortunately I
don't speek binpac. Is there documentation on it?
(http://www.bro.org/development/howtos/binpac-sample-analyzer.html is
not sufficient).

> What's the bug?
>    .Seth
It appears using the username authentication with SOCKS 5.

After the client and the server have chosen the username authentication, 
the client has to send the following packet :

Client request (RFC 1929) :

            |VER | ULEN |  UNAME   | PLEN |  PASSWD  |
            | 1  |  1   | 1 to 255 |  1   | 1 to 255 |

Here the first byte must be 0x1, it specifies the version of the 
authentication mechanisme, not the SOCKS version (0x5) like in all 
others packets.

However in the socks-protocol.pac the type SOCKS_Version never parses 
data if the first byte is 0x1, and it goes to an error.

    2 type SOCKS_Version(is_orig: bool) = record {
    3         version: uint8;
    4         msg:     case version of {
    5                 4       -> socks4_msg: SOCKS4_Message(is_orig);
    6                 5       -> socks5_msg: SOCKS5_Message(is_orig);
    7                 default -> socks_msg_fail: 
    8         };
    9 };


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