[Bro] turn off host up/down emails

Justin Azoff JAzoff at albany.edu
Mon Jul 14 08:01:12 PDT 2014

On Mon, Jul 14, 2014 at 07:57:30AM -0400, sangdrax8 wrote:
> How would I go about stopping the e-mails about hosts being up/down?  I use
> nagios to track host status and would rather not have this done in multiple
> places.  I believe this e-mail is done as part of the tasks from the cron job,
> but I don't if there is an option to turn this off or if it would require a
> hook into the notice framework.  If it does take a notice hook, what would be
> the cleanest way to suppress these e-mails?  Perhaps there is a specific type
> that I could suppress?
> If someone could point me in the right direction it would be much appreciated! 

No option to disable these currently, but in the meantime if you
can, just edit BroControl/cron.py and comment out line 202:

    util.output("host %s %s" % (node.host, alive == "1" and "up" or "down"))

That will stop that output for now..

-- Justin Azoff

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