[Bro] Log filtering a field re-ordering

Eric Howard ehoward at bbg.gov
Thu Feb 26 10:26:27 PST 2015

Hi all, I have followed the instructions contained in https://www.bro.org/sphinx-git/frameworks/logging.html#filtering to create a new field output.  I ahve noticed that the fields you choose to include cannot be be re-ordered for display.  For example, if I put the 'ts' field in the first position like this:

local filter: Log::Filter = [$name="orig-only", $path="origs", $include=set("id.orig_h","ts")];

the record displays with it in the first position.  I assume this is because the include set is just a toggle that does not affect display order which is based on the field position in INFO.  How to I re-order the the fields for display?  Is this done ion the writer?


-- Eric --
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