[Bro] SYN Flood detection

Rens van der Heijden rensvdheijden at gmail.com
Mon Jan 26 10:32:35 PST 2015

Hi everyone,

As part of demonstrating Bro in a class setting, I'm preparing an 
exercise that asks students to detect SYN floods. I found some older Bro 
code that does this (and referenes to it on Robin Sommer's slides from a 
2007 talk):
I noticed, however, that I couldn't find anything similar in SumStats. 
It might be that I missed something, but maybe SYN floods just aren't as 
interesting anymore? Does anyone know what happened there?

Anyway, I tried to write a quick script to test it out first, which 
turned out to use a lot of memory (at least, in my perception -- perhaps 
it's an issue with the VM I'm testing it in though), which I guess might 
be the reason. Here's the code I used (unlike 
<https://www.bro.org/sphinx/_downloads/scan.bro>, this script uses 
connection_SYN_packet, which means we can detect SYNs that are not 
responded to):

event connection_SYN_packet(c:connection, pkt: SYN_packet)
      SumStats::observe("tcp.syn.rcvd", [$host=c$id$orig_h], 
function f(ts:time, key:SumStats::Key, result:SumStats::Result)
     local r=result["tcp.syn.rcvd"];
     print fmt("Saw %d SYNs from %s", r$num, key$host);
event bro_init()
     local r1 = SumStats::Reducer($stream="tcp.syn.rcvd", 
     SumStats::create([$name="tcp.syn.scan", $epoch=30min, 
$reducers=set(r1), $epoch_result=f, $epoch_finished(ts:time_ = { print " 
-- new Epoch --";}]);

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