[Bro] Bro -> Elasticsearch -> Kibana4beta -> GeoLocation

Daniel Guerra daniel.guerra69 at gmail.com
Wed Oct 28 06:31:05 PDT 2015

To be more clear
I use this bro script for geo location

##! Add geo_location for the originator and responder of a connection
##! to the connection logs.

module Conn;

	redef record Conn::Info += 
		orig_loc: geo_location &optional &log;
    		resp_loc: geo_location &optional &log;

event connection_state_remove(c: connection) 
	local orig_loc = lookup_location(c$id$orig_h);
  	if (orig_loc?$longitude && orig_loc?$latitude)
    		c$conn$orig_loc= orig_loc;
	local resp_loc = lookup_location(c$id$resp_h);
  	if (resp_loc?$longitude && resp_loc?$latitude)
    		c$conn$resp_loc= resp_loc;

Produces this output in json example
    "ts": "2013-04-26T12:12:02.341149Z",
    "uid": "C0GaiXWHKY4Uj0qke",
    "id.orig_h": "",
    "id.orig_p": 49318,
    "id.resp_h": "",
    "id.resp_p": 443,
    "proto": "tcp",
    "conn_state": "SHR",
    "missed_bytes": 0,
    "history": "f",
    "orig_pkts": 0,
    "orig_ip_bytes": 0,
    "resp_pkts": 1,
    "resp_ip_bytes": 67,
    "tunnel_parents": [],
    "orig_loc.country_code": "NL",
    "orig_loc.latitude": 52.366699,
    "orig_loc.longitude": 4.9,
    "resp_loc.country_code": "US",
    "resp_loc.region": "CA",
    "resp_loc.city": "Santa Monica",
    "resp_loc.latitude": 34.011902,
    "resp_loc.longitude": -118.468201

According to the elasticsearch documentation i need an output like

“resp_loc”: {
	“lat”: 52.366699,

https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/mapping-geo-point-type.html <https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/mapping-geo-point-type.html>

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