[Bro] Issue when adding a field to files.log

Boreham-Smith boreham.smith at gmail.com
Fri Sep 11 19:45:08 PDT 2015

Hi All,

I have written a script that extracts filetypes of interest, submits the
extracted file to the cuckoo sandbox, and records the cuckoo task_id. I
currently store this information successfully in the notice log, but would
like to add an optional field to the files.log to store this task_id.

I have confirmed that I can add and populate the new files.log field with
static values, but if I attempt to do this when calling an external program
to handle the cuckoo submission (ie I use the 'when' block below), the
value is not output in the log. The print statement within the when block,
and notice.log output confirms the value is being populated, it is just not
being written to files.log.

Any suggestions on what I might be doing incorrectly?

I have provided what I think are the relevant code extracts below, but am
happy to provide more detail if that will assist:

# Add the new field to the files.log

redef record Files::Info += {
    cuckoo_id: int &optional &log;

# Function that returns the cuckoo task_id
function submit_cuckoo(f: fa_file): int
        local command = Exec::Command($cmd=fmt("%s
        return when ( local result = Exec::run(command)){
            local id: int  = to_int(result$stdout[0]);
            return id;

# Populate the new field
event file_state_remove( f: fa_file )
    if (f$info?$extracted) {
        when ( local id = submit_cuckoo(f) ){
            f$info$cuckoo_id = id;
            print fmt("Cuckoo ID value set: %d", f$info$cuckoo_id);

# files.log extract
#fields ts      fuid    tx_hosts        rx_hosts        conn_uids
source  depth   analyzers       mime_type       filename
duration        local_orig      is_orig       seen_bytes
total_bytes     missing_bytes   overflow_bytes  timedout
parent_fuid     md5     sha1    sha256  extracted       cuckoo_id
#types  time    string  set[addr]       set[addr]       set[string]
string  count   set[string]     string  string  interval        bool
bool    count   count   countcount    bool    string  string  string
string  string  int
1441526348.202595       FtBY2c3CsMMNsBdAil      192.168.1.xxx
192.168.1.yyy   CKkqBYszNpSR6Bgaf       HTTP    0       EXTRACT
application/msword      -       0.108599     -F       616960  616960
0       0       F       -       -       -       -
HTTP-FtBY2c3CsMMNsBdAil.doc     -

# notice.log extract
#fields ts      uid     id.orig_h       id.orig_p       id.resp_h
id.resp_p       fuid    file_mime_type  file_desc       proto   note
msg     sub     src     dst  pn       peer_descr      actions
suppress_for    dropped remote_location.country_code
remote_location.region  remote_location.city
remote_location.latitude        remote_location.longitude
#types  time    string  addr    port    addr    port    string  string
string  enum    enum    string  string  addr    addr    port    count
string  set[enum]       interval      bool    string  string  string
double  double
1441526362.215942       CKkqBYszNpSR6Bgaf       192.168.1.yyy   33805
192.168.1.xxx   80      FtBY2c3CsMMNsBdAil      application/msword
http://192.168.1.xxx/files/test.doc   tcp     File::Cuckoo_Submission
https://cuckoo/analysis/80      -       192.168.1.yyy   192.168.1.xxx
80      -       bro     Notice::ACTION_LOG      3600.000000  F-
-       -       -       -


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