[Bro] Bro's software log

James Lay jlay at slave-tothe-box.net
Tue Jan 12 11:32:26 PST 2016

I LOVE the software log.  Legit.  It's awesome.  I'm trying to create a
report of sorts, with sed and awk, and for the life of me I'm having a
tough time.  Here's what I got so far:

zcat software.log.gz | bro-cut -d | sed -e 's/<tab character here, ie
ctrl-v, tab>/-/g' -e 's/\-\-\-[A-Z]\{3,5\}::/ /' -e 's/^.*0000-//'

This get me kinda close, but not close enough...here's the raw entry: 

2016-01-01T14:57:02+0000        x.x.x.x  -       HTTP::BROWSER  
Windows-Update-Agent    7       9       9600    18145   Client 
Windows-Update-Agent/7.9.9600.18145 Client-Protocol/1.21 

What' I'm really hoping for is this: 
x.x.x.x Windows-Update-Agent/7.9.9600.18145 Client-Protocol/1.21 

Just the IP address, and the last bit...the entire unparsed_version
field.  Anyone got a clever script to do something like this?  Thank

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