[Bro] field value missing error

ps sunu pssunu6 at gmail.com
Fri May 13 13:01:08 PDT 2016

module Musers;

export {
        redef enum Log::ID += { MUSER::LOG };

        type Info: record {

                ts:               time    &log;

                id :       conn_id &log &optional;

                orig_user:         string &log &optional;

               resp_user:         string &log &optional;

        global log_muser: event(rec: Info);

redef record connection += {
        muser: Info &optional;

global host_name_user: table[addr] of string &synchronized
global host_name_user1: table[addr] of string &synchronized

# Create the Tor log stream and load the Tor list
event bro_init()
Log::create_stream(MUSER::LOG, [$columns=Info, $ev=log_muser]);


event KRB::log_krb (rec: KRB::Info)

  host_name_user1[rec$id$orig_h] = rec$client;


event RADIUS::log_radius (rec: RADIUS::Info)


host_name_user[rec$id$orig_h] = rec$username;


function set_session(c: connection)
if ( ! c?$muser )
        add c$service["muser"];
        c$muser = [$ts=network_time(),$id=c$id];

# Function to convert blutmagie Tor flags from count to bool
#function convert_flag(flag: count): bool
#if ( flag == 1 )
#       return T;
#else return F;

# Function to set data in the Tor info record

# Check each new connection for an IP address in the Tor list
event new_connection(c: connection )


  if ( c$id$orig_h in Musers::host_name_user )
    c$muser$orig_user = Musers::host_name_user[c$id$orig_h];

  if ( c$id$resp_h in Musers::host_name_user )
    c$muser$resp_user = Musers::host_name_user[c$id$resp_h];

if ( c$id$orig_h in Musers::host_name_user1 )

#local  mist120 =  host_name_user1[c$id$orig_h];
if  ( host_name_user1[c$id$orig_h] ==
 /^([A-Za-z0-9._\.-]+)([\/])([\da-zA-Z\.-]+)\.([a-zA-Z\.]{2,6})$/ )

print fmt ("orig");

c$muser$orig_user = Musers::host_name_user1[c$id$orig_h];


if (  c$id$resp_h  in Musers::host_name_user1 )

#local mist130 =  host_name_user1[c$id$resp_h];

if  ( host_name_user1[c$id$resp_h]
 ==/^([A-Za-z0-9._\.-]+)([\/])([\da-zA-Z\.-]+)\.([a-zA-Z\.]{2,6})$/ )

print fmt ("resp");
c$muser$resp_user = Musers::host_name_user1[c$id$resp_h];




event connection_state_remove(c: connection)
if ( c?$muser )
        Log::write(MUSER::LOG, c$muser);

               This is my sample code, while running this i am getting
below error
virtual-machine:~/Newlogs$ sudo bro -C
contrained-delegation/Krb-contrained-delegation.cap  Musers.bro
1139998844.531337 expression error in ./Musers.bro, line 51: field value
missing [Musers::rec$client]

            that error line no 51 is marked as red ,any problem in this
code ?

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