[Bro] Reminder: Upgrade your Bro installation! Stability updates in 2.4.1

Doris Schioberg doris at bro.org
Fri May 27 10:26:57 PDT 2016

Bro 2.5 is not far away, but in the meantime you should upgrade to Bro
2.4.1. This is the latest stable release. If you are running 2.4 the
upgrade to 2.4.1 won't break your config. This release contains
important fixes without changing Bro's functionality.

Check the change log here: https://www.bro.org/download/CHANGES.bro.txt.

- the Bro team

Doris Schioberg
Bro Outreach, Training, and Education Coordinator
International Computer Science Institute (ICSI Berkeley)
Phone: +1 (510) 289-8406 * doris at bro.org

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