[Bro] File extraction after checking hash.

Jan Grashöfer jan.grashoefer at gmail.com
Tue Oct 4 13:22:06 PDT 2016

>> Do you know that the intel framework supports hashes?  If you export a
> feed of hashes from CIF you can load that into bro and do the alerting on
> known hashes bad in real time.
> Yes. And that was the plan, but unfortunately, I  couldn't get the list of
> the feeds (hashes) pulled down from REN-ISAC

If you come up with a feed, using the intel framework should be straight
forward. We did a POC, extracting files (I think below 100MB) and just
preserve them in case of an intel hit (see
The only thing to set up except extraction and this script is a cron job
deleting the extracted files that aren't of interest. To avoid dups one
might want to name the extracted files according to their hash or
something like that.


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