[Bro] Bro 2.4.1 documentation

Azoff, Justin S jazoff at illinois.edu
Fri Sep 30 21:41:34 PDT 2016

> On Sep 25, 2016, at 11:28 PM, John Edwards <jedwards2728 at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I am reading through Bro's documentation for a variety of purposes, I am new to it and really want to understand the internals, the scripting language, scaling up for clustering for larger link monitoring etc.
> I  find the websites layout not that good for reading as I am reading a book about any other open source project I read about. Other open source security projects I read about have PDFs versions of their documentation so people can print it out etc.
> Is the same thing available for Bro? Have copied all of the doco into a word document but cancelled that as formatting was ugly.  The only mention of Bro in a book I have found is a couple pages long. I'd like the entire documentation available for whatever latest release but as PDF.
> Anyone else know where to find it? Or if it's even available? 
> Thanks,
> John

As Johanna said it isn't published anywhere, but the tool that builds all the documentation (sphinx) can easily build a single page document.  The only reason it doesn't is that doc/CMakeLists.txt only runs sphinx-build with -b html.

I re-ran it with -b singlehtml, and it worked but the output is a little unwieldy and the formatting could be better.  This can probably be fixed with a few lines of css though.

-b latex works, but then pdflatex isn't happy with rendering the resulting file. The OS X book reader doesn't like the .epub files that -b epub builds.

However, I did have good success using 'sphinx-build -b man' and then 'man -Tpdf ./bro.1  > bro.pdf'

That outputs this:


Which is pretty close.  The ToC items aren't links and images are missing, but that's probably the most reader friendly so far.

- Justin Azoff

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