[Bro] So before I upgrade (pf_ring revisit)

James Lay jlay at slave-tothe-box.net
Mon Aug 14 11:07:55 PDT 2017

As I recall last time around, there was a pf_ring vs. bro pf_ring plugin
thread going on a while ago.  I thought I'd revisit this since I'm going
from 2.5.0 to 2.5.1.  So..here's what I have:

I believe the above is complete yes?  The only question I would have
answered here is what options to pass via command line. 

So THIS link is for using the plugin...this has info about starting
command line, but not via node.cfg.  I'm assuming I could use: 


instead of interface?  Or do I just use what's in the load-balancing
link?  Additionally, what's the benefit of using one over the other
method?  Thank you.


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