[Bro] Simple way to get a combined unique IP list from an arbitrary date range

Charles Fair charles.a.fair at gmail.com
Thu Jan 19 09:56:14 PST 2017

Help with this would be greatly appreciated.  I am trying to figure out a simple way to get a combined unique ip list from an arbitrary date range.  I want the unique IP addresses as a single list from the conn.log fields ip.orig_h and ip.resp_h.  Answering questions like give me the unique IPs from the past 7/14/30/60/90 days would be quite tedious this way.  

I can do it manually as the below example using a temp file for the working data.



# Create a single list of all unique IP addresses with a 
# sorted descending count from the 
# conn.log consisting of ip.orig_h and ip.resp_h
# for a given five day period 

zcat 2016-01-01/conn.* 2016-01-02/conn.* 2016-01-03/conn.* 2016-01-04/conn.* 2016-01-05/conn.* | bro-cut ip.orig_h > /tmp/tempalluniqip.txt

zcat 2016-01-01/conn.* 2016-01-02/conn.* 2016-01-03/conn.* 2016-01-04/conn.* 2016-01-05/conn.* | bro-cut ip.resp_h >> /tmp/tempalluniqip.txt

cat /tmp/tempalluniqip.txt | sort -n | uniq -c | sort -n > /tmp/alluniqip.txt

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