[Bro] intel.log file stops getting generated.

fatema bannatwala fatema.bannatwala at gmail.com
Tue Jan 24 11:20:44 PST 2017

Hi All,

Running Bro 2.5, everything is working except intel.log file stop getting
Last event in that file was around 12:45pm today, and after it got rotated,
I didn't see intel.log for 1pm hour and still no log for intel.log in the
current log dir.

Don't know why all of a sudden intel.log stopped geting generated.

I checked:
1. The conn.log, and seeing the connections from IPs listed as bad in intel
$ less bad-IP.intel | grep "61.240.xx.yy"
61.240.xx.yy   Intel::ADDR     scanner 85      csirtg.io

$ less conn.log | grep ""
1485280794.930507       CzUCmv3TFKLcYxFps1      61.240.xx.yy   40805   8081    tcp     -       -       -       -       S0      F
    T       0       S       1       40      0       0   ( empty)

2. Permissions on the intel input files are fine,i.e bro readable.
3. No major activity related to Bro happened during 12:45ish, that can
impact any Bro processing.

Any leads/suggestions?

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