[Bro] bro_beacons.bro - bad conversion to count

Vikram Basu vikrambasu059 at gmail.com
Tue Jun 13 08:29:34 PDT 2017


I am using the bro_beacons.bro script and it generating multiple errors like 

1486782334.477425 error in /usr/local/bro/share/bro/site/bro_beacons.bro, line 46: bad conversion to count (double_to_count(interval_to_double(BEACON::collection[BEACON::i + (coerce 1 to int)] - BEACON::collection[BEACON::i])) and -3.57259)

Here is the script in question

#Author: Nick Hoffman / securitykitten.github.io / @infoseckitten
#Description:  A bro script to find beacons

module BEACON;

@load base/protocols/http

#this is our master collection, we'll use this to store all our information
global master_collection: table[addr,addr] of vector of time  &synchronized;

export {
    redef enum Log::ID += { LOG };
    type Info: record {
        ts: time     &log;
        #id: conn_id  &log;
	local_host:	addr	&log;
	remote_host:	addr	&log;
	entropy:	double	&log;
    global log_beacon: event(rec: Info);
    # Add hosts to ignore with: 
    # redef BEACON::whitelist += {,}
    const whitelist: set [subnet] = set() &redef;

event bro_init()
    Log::create_stream(BEACON::LOG, [$columns=Info, $ev=log_beacon]);

function calculate_entropy(host: addr, server: addr): double 
	local collection = master_collection[host,server];
	local entropy: count;
	local length = |collection|;
	local intervals = vector();
	local pmf: table[time] of double;
	local probs: table[time] of double;
	local sum: double;
	sum = 0;
	for (i in collection) {
		if ( i+1 >= length )
		else {
			intervals[i] = double_to_interval(double_to_count(interval_to_double(collection[i+1] - collection[i])));
	#i don't like this solution, oh well
	for (i in intervals) {
		if ( intervals[i] !in pmf )
			pmf[intervals[i]] = 1;
			pmf[intervals[i]] += 1;
	#calculate the probabilities
	for (i in intervals) {
		probs[intervals[i]] = pmf[intervals[i]] / |intervals|;
	for (k in probs) {
		sum += probs[k] * (log10(probs[k]) / log10(2.0));
	if (double_to_time(0.0) in probs) {
		if (probs[double_to_time(0.0)] > 0.3)
			sum = 4;
	#debug statement
	#print fmt("host:%s,server:%s,entropy:%s,interval:%s",host,server,|sum|,intervals);
	return |sum|;

#we'll start with http posts, in the case that 
event http_request(c: connection, method: string, original_URI: string, unescaped_URI: string, version: string) {
	#declare variables
	local host: addr;
	local server: addr;
	local ts: time;
	local uid: string;
	local entropy_result: double;
	for (sn in whitelist) {
	    if (c$id$resp_h in sn || c$id$orig_h in sn ) 
	if ( method == "POST" || method == "GET" ) {
		#grab the relevant information
		host = c$id$orig_h;
		server = c$id$resp_h;
		ts = c$start_time;
		uid = c$uid;
		if ( [host,server] !in master_collection ){
			master_collection[host,server] = vector(ts) ;
		else {
			master_collection[host,server][|master_collection[host,server]|] = ts;
			if ( |master_collection[host,server]| > 12) {
				entropy_result = calculate_entropy(host,server);
				if (entropy_result < 0.75 ) {
					print fmt("%s - beacon %s and %s", ts, host, server);
					local rec: BEACON::Info = [$ts=ts, $entropy=entropy_result,$local_host=host,$remote_host=server];
					Log::write(BEACON::LOG, rec);
				master_collection[host,server] = vector();

Can anyone tell me how to solve this ?

The issue seems to be this line 
intervals[i] = double_to_interval(double_to_count(interval_to_double(collection[i+1] - collection[i])));



Vikram Basu
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