[Bro] How bro create an event from a packet?

Luo Xin kingsleyluoxin at hotmail.com
Tue Mar 21 18:35:50 PDT 2017

My puzzles mainly exist in the states managing of bro.

I have noticed that there are C++ code for the implemention of  DFA and NFA.

Nevertheless, I could not find where it is invoked.

So I was wondering if anyone could tell me where I can find the use of state machine.

In addition, I also want to know about how bro transfer low level pcap file into high level event.

I have read some information about that of protocol based on TCP or UDP

and been aware that they are implemented by means of binpac tool.

But I still want to know how lower level protocol such as IP or TCP

can transfer pcap packets into bro events.
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